September is a strange, transitional month - we notice that evenings are getting darker sooner, and even though the sun still feels warm there can be a little shiver in the air every now and then... I love the months that bring a change in the seasons, and September is the gateway between summer and autumn.
I've created a special Pinterest board for you, full of stunning images inspired by September - they're sure to get you in the mood for welcoming in this glorious new month, and I know they'll leave you feeling totally excited about the changing season. Click the image below to view the September board, or click here - and while you're there, don't forget to follow my account of course!
Whilst you may not be ready yet to pack away the shorts and garden chairs, and you still hold out hope for a last minute barbecue in the sunshine, it's quite exciting to think of the chilly days ahead (or is that just me?). No more being hot and flustered, now you get to wear that favourite jumper, treat yourself to a hot chocolate without people looking at you strangely, and wonder if the central heating is going to work after all these months being switched off... actually, that reminds me I need to book in the annual boiler checkup... where was I? Oh yes, waxing lyrical about the coming autumn!
And to be fair, I think lots of us enjoy autumn a lot - even the sun worshippers! (And we may even be lucky enough to experience one of those autumn sunshine weeks - the Indian Summer - when the weather is warm and the leaves on the trees are showing their golden colours in all their glory.)
It's a time to start bringing those cosy autumnal colours into your home too - swap flowers with dried grasses and flowers, pop a cosy new cushion on the sofa, treat yourself to a new print for the wall to introduce a fresh touch to a room... little touches that mark the beginning of an exciting new season. Create a little hygge corner in your home and welcome in the season in all its glory.
Take inspiration from the low setting sun, enjoy the shadows cast over the garden, relax and find the calm and comfort in your home: it's been a refuge for many of this over the past few months and now is the time to enjoy the shelter it gave us and be thankful for the coming new season.
Why not make the most of the last of the summer sun and head out this weekend to explore? Go for a walk at a time of day you wouldn't normally think of: first thing in the morning before anyone else is awake, or just as dusk is settling in (it's a great time of the day to glimpse into people's windows as you walk past by the way... just saying...). Start remembering all those cosy meals you only cook in the colder weather: no one really fancies a salad in the autumn, so start planning some cosy stews, tasty homemade soups, and gorgeous roast dinners!
So, release that inner child and when the leaves do finally fall of the trees head out and give them a good kick - go on, you know you want to!
Happy autumn,
Sarah :)