So, that is my curse: I can't stop mult-tasking. For example, while I'm typing this I keep stopping to check my emails and I'm on Twitter. I've made my computer crash twice this morning because while it was loading something I wanted to use the time it took for me to wait by trying to open two other programmes. I think my computer is a man - he can't multi-task at all!! I shall name him "Keith"...
Is multi-tasking a bad thing? Does it stop me from being able to knuckle down and get things done? Or does it actually mean that I'm squeezing every available minute out of my day, and keeping the massive work/home ball rolling along?
I think it does help me to be more efficient (most of the time), but I don't think it does much for my sanity sometimes. I think I need to write "Daydream more..." on my To Do List.
So, if you find yourself brushing your teeth with one hand and cleaning the sink with the other, whilst mentally planning your day and keeping an eye on the clock - join the club, you are very, very welcome! (Mind you, wasn't it one of the Marks Brothers who said "I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member"?!)
And my toes look lovely by the way: I've gone for a dark blue this time...
Sarah x
You sound just like me - always doing so many things at once! It would be lovely to just do something relaxing and to spend that time doing that and only that!
ReplyDeleteThat made me chuckle because this is exactly how I do bath time! My husband confiscated any work related books and comes and swipes my notepad while I am soaking.
ReplyDeleteI very often get the sudden urge to jump out of the bath while it is very hot just because I just thought of something and need to act RIGHT NOW!
And I am very good at computer crashes. I get told off all the time by husband, who is also IT manager, for having far too many windows open...
Can I join your club then? :)
I found you through twitter and you make lovely photos, I love the Halloween one. I will keep following!