Wednesday 28 April 2021

Celebrate the Superheroes!

It's Superhero Day today! 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️ Admittedly probably not something you have written on your calendar, but a very sweet and oh-so-positive day for celebrating heroes of all sorts - and over the last year there's been quite a few of those: from key workers keeping the world turning, to kids and parents dealing with lockdowns and home-schooling, to friends and neighbours helping each other out and supporting one another - and everything in between!

Superheroes come in all shapes and sizes - not all of them wear a cape: some are in disguise and look just like you or me! Easily mistaken for a totally normal mum or dad, friend, colleague, teacher... Not all heroes have lycra suits and wear their pants on the outside!

Superhero Day is all about reminding everyone that heroes can come in any guise - superpowers can be something as simple as valour, bravery, heart, kindness and compassion.

If you know someone who's been an absolute hero, my personalised Superhero print will make a perfect gift for them. Custom made to order, as well as their name it also includes their own personal superpowers and what makes them truly awesome! (A brilliant present for Dad's on Father's Day too.) You can also select skin tones and hair colour for the print, to make it completely bespoke for your personal hero.

Superhero Day first launched back in 1995 when Marvel Comics asked children around the world what their superpowers would be if they could choose. Since then it has become an annual event, highlighting the fact that superheroes are often just normal everyday folk, some are facing difficulties with brave determination, some are helping others by protecting people or looking after us. It can be as simple as just putting an arm around someone when they need it.

Today is the perfect day to keep your eyes open for superheroes in disguise (I bet you know one!), and giving them some recognition. Who do you know who just might be a hero? Who would you like to honour, or say thank you to?

Sarah :)

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