He's 11 weeks old, and a cross between a Cumberland Spaniel and a Poodle - so I guess that makes him a Spoodle - or a Cupoodle - or a Pooniel.... anyway, whatever he is, he's very cute. He is so laid back and soppy, and he loves having his tummy rubbed! He has never been on a lead before, so walking to school this morning with Amy was an interesting experience... We practised a couple of times yesterday, but every time we put his lead on he would lay down and roll over! But this morning he was up and raring to go and we got to school in double quick time - just as well as we got mobbed by Amy's friends all wanting a stroke.

I'm sure I will be posting more news of Freddy in the future - something tells me he is going to be a bit of a character....
Sarah x
Awwww Hello Freddy!! Nice to meet you. He's scrummy! I think a Cupoodle sounds best x