As I type this, I have Amy sitting beside me constructing a castle. Love her, she is trying not to disturb me, but if I have to find the end of the sellotape or "hold this a minute" one more time I may start getting a little frantic!
So, how am I going to cope for 6 and a half more weeks? How are you going to cope? How can a child with a house full of "stuff", a puppy and a garden be bored already? Is being bored actually a good thing for a child once in a while? (Personally, yes I think it is! Without it Amy wouldn't have come up with the idea of making a castle out of cardboard boxes...)
Well, I'm planning on trying to get into a routine of: morning is work, afternoon is Amy time, evening is catch up time. Other than that I'm not really sure how to do this. It's so easy to feel guilty - shouldn't I be taking her out on day trips and picnics? Getting down on the floor and building cushion dens? Making the most of the weather (today is glorious)? I don't know... I guess the most important thing I can do this holiday is not to get stressed out by stuff.
If you have any ideas or tips you can share - or maybe you need to off load a little stress yourself - it would be great to hear from you so do please leave a comment! Right, it's now nearly 11am (so much for my morning of work idea!) and I really need to get on - oh, the castle turret won't stay on, hang on....
Sarah x
Mine, at 8 and 9, are mostly able to entertain themselves. Nintendo ds, nintendo wii, drawing pictures, creating dens, racing cars, playing with puppy in my pockets, etc. However, I've already had the "muuuum, I'm hungry, can I have a biscuit?" and muuuuum, where's my nintendo?" (we are only 1 day into the hols and I'm already considering a name change)
ReplyDeleteI have no routine like you are planning (excellent idea by the way) because I make jewellery and tend to do it when the mood strikes and in between everything else. My other business is typing so that is done when work comes in and the kids know I will be out of action for a few hours and they know to keep themselves busy. The less distractions and interruptions, the quicker I'm done and we can get back to planning our swimming pool visit etc.
I've found the best for me is to not try and do two things at once. Either concentrate on the kids or work ~ even if it entails putting them in front of the wicked brain-sucking TV for an hour to get something finished, then it has to be done.
Good luck and enjoy the hols.
Oh don't get me started. Today was day 2. I feel like I'm about to crack. Mine are 5, 3 and 1 and I'm struggling to entertain them and work...
ReplyDeleteYesterday we made cards. It went down well... For a little while, anyway!
Amanda x
Hahahaha - you are making me work. I've just left a comment on Mumslikeyou site and was going to be lazy and put the same here but see you've asked a different question.
ReplyDeleteIt's been said already and I agree. If you're playing with the kids then focus all your attention on that and when you are working don't feel guilty about not playing with the kids.
Oh and maybe a glass of something nice when they've gone to bed - teehee
Dany (Tums2Mums)
Thanks for leaving some great comments...
ReplyDeleteI have to say, after spending a couple of hours playing board games with Amy yesterday I have been finding myself fancying a rematch today (and that's got nothing to do with the fact that she whipped my arse 3 times in a row at "Cross Over the Bridge"!).
Oh, and yes, a nice glass of something - I fancy that too later...... ;o)
Sarah x