Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Sound of Silence...

Since being a child, I've always found it near impossible to work in silence - my homework was always done with the sound of Scooby Doo or Hong Kong Phooey in the background! And as an adult, I'm no different. Whenever I'm working I always have the radio on, usually tuned into Radio 4. Now, apparently, the average age of listeners to Radio 4 is 55 - and before you ask, no I'm not! Call me an old fogey, but I've actually been listening to it since I was in my twenties - and favourites include Woman's Hour, The Archers (of course), and the fantastic comedy (if you haven't discovered Milton Jones, The Unbelievable Truth, Just a Minute or the News Quiz - well, quite frankly, you're missing out!).

As well as those favourites, I do end up listening inadvertently to a large amount of news bulletins throughout the day. And on budget day this year I found myself putting orders to one side and seizing on a bit of inspiration that seemed to appear from nowhere. Although, with the budget and politicians whittering away in the background its' actually quite easy to work out where my idea for a series of three new print designs came from!

You can find all three designs in my Folksy Shop, or at

Now, Money Box Live has just started, wonder what that will inspire...!
Sarah x


  1. I have always been the same!! I used to get told to turn my music down when i was revising because my mother couldnt hear herself think downstairs!! :) Now i don't like my music quite so loud, but i too listen to radio four, or radio two, or sometimes absoloute 90's/80's or 70's :)

    I couldnt possibly concentrate on my blogging without some kind of racket :) xxxx

  2. Well it's very nice to know I'm not the only fogey in town, tee hee! ;) xx


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