Friday, 7 March 2025

Do You Really Need the Heating On in March? A Marital Debate

Now that spring is here we can turn the heating off, right? It’s March, it’s positively balmy! 

Agree with me? My husband doesn’t. He also doesn’t agree that snow on the roof insulates, that fresh air is bracing, and being slightly chilly is excellent for the metabolism. He’s all thermal vests, I’m very much not. 

We have what can only be described as ‘thermostat incompatibility’. Or to put it more directly: Thermostat Wars. My husband and I can’t agree on the temperature - at all. He tweaks it up, I tweak it down. The dial is right outside the living room, so in the evening whenever one of us casually asks, “Drink?” the other suspiciously watches as they pass through the hallway to the kitchen. 

Should You Turn the Heating Off in March? The Never-Ending Thermostat Battle

Should You Turn the Heating Off in March? The Never-Ending Thermostat Battle

My response to the whoosh of the boiler turning on is the same as the whoosh of £10 notes bursting into flame would be. Besides, making it turn on all the time for the heating puts strain on the boiler - and after the boiler we had in the last house, with it’s flaky, frankly laissez-faire attitude to working, I think that’s a very valid point.

For me, a pleasant ambient temperature is one that will see my husband putting on a coat. And he’s not averse to doing that in the house either. For Christmas this year I bought him some thermal socks, hand warmers and a gilet that heats up when you plug it in. He wears them all INDOORS. He’s still cold.

If I’m going to have a particular phrase etched on my gravestone I think it might be: “Is it me, or is it hot in here?”. And don’t go thinking this is because, as the delightful Mr Wallace would put it, I’m a woman of a certain age. Oh no, I’ve been like this forever. To me, my idea of absolute hell is a turtle neck jumper. Or just any jumper, especially one that’s acrylic. I can feel my eyeballs sweating at the thought of it.

We recently bought a new car, and this thing has not only heated seats but also a heated steering wheel. Ridiculous! Thankfully it also has individual climate control, so he can have his side of the car on ‘Bahamas Setting’ whilst mine is the far more sensible ‘Snowflake Setting’. 

We also have an ongoing window war in the bedroom. For me, I absolutely can’t sleep with it shut. This worked perfectly in the old house when my side of the bed was next to the window. Sadly that’s not the case now, so he sleeps with the duvet literally over his head and the ever-present thermal vest on (although not the gilet). I sleep with my legs out. I've been googling "Scrooge type nightcap" for his upcoming birthday...

We can both get quite dramatic about temperature levels, and I admit quite freely that levels of histrionics about said temperature are often just as extreme. I can’t cope with being in a hermetically sealed environment (ie, windows closed), he can’t cope with being in the Arctic (ie, a room temperature below 25 degrees). 

I know that this disparity isn’t how things are supposed to be - women are supposed to be cold all the time, men are supposed to be hot all the time. I’ve seen men with my own eyes, walking about in January in shorts. I suppose at least we’re both the wrong way round when it comes to heating, so I guess we’re not so different from other families up and down the country. And there’s always that day or two every year when the temperature is just right for both of us. Not too hot, not too cold, no need for gilets.

So, what’s it like in your household? Do you also suffer from the Great Thermostat Wars/Standoff in your relationship?

Sarah x

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Grey February... My Top 5 Tips to get through these gloomy grey days!

Personally speaking, I find February probably one of the hardest months when it comes to mental wellbeing - it's hard to feel chipper when the sky is endlessly grey! With the excitement of the festive season behind us, and the feeling that spring is ages away, it's often difficult to beat off that lingering feeling of gloominess... 

But hang on a second, let's not get swept away with too much doom and gloom! 

'Positivity and Courage Rainbow' Art Print

It's easy to let the dull winter days pull you down, so I wanted to do everything I can to bring you some colour and brighten up your day a little bit. It's easy to overlook the grey days when Christmas is here - all those twinkly lights to make things cosy. But this time of year is definitely what I call the "bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan" (who hasn't moaned at bleakness and frosty wind?!). 

So let's have a little splash of colour to warm ourselves up!

Spring Colour Inspiration - colourful gifts and home decor to brighten your grey February days!

Spring Colour Inspiration - colourful gifts and home decor to brighten your grey February days!

I think it's also important to take stock and try to look at things with some positivity. Here's my top 5 ways to look at grey February with a bit of positivity:

  1. The little glimmers of springtime are starting to appear this month (yes, you may have to look hard, but trust me they're there!). I've spotted little snowdrops by the roadside here in chilly Lincolnshire, and the daffodils will be joining in soon with a blast of glorious yellow. 
  2. The cold weather means that we can still enjoy cosiness in our home - lighting candles, cosying up with a lovely blanket, a hot chocolate before bed. Creating a cosy environment and a warm sanctuary to escape the dreariness. We don't want to do any of that in the summer, so let's enjoy it while we can! Treat yourself to the little pleasures in life when you need a little lift.
  3. You can always introduce a little colour into your life to balance the grey days. Open your curtains wide to let in as much light as you can, treat yourself to a bunch of flowers (I think you can't beat carnations for bringing a little cheer - affordable plus they last for ages!), add a couple of cheery colourful new decor pieces to your room for a freshen up.
  4. Because we're at the start of the year we've got everything in front of us to look forward to. It's a great time to set goals for the year and plan adventures. Having something to look forward to can make all the difference in maintaining a positive mindset. While February may be grey and cold, it’s also a month full of quiet opportunities for self-reflection, growth, making plans.
  5. February is short - so if nothing else, at least we know it won't be hanging around for long!

Bunny Rabbit Family Personalised Print

Trust me, there's tiny glimmers of warmth just around the corner - warmer days are on their way soon. And in the meantime, embrace the stillness and quiet of the season, find joy in small moments, and make space for the things that bring you peace and positivity. The days are gradually getting longer and the world will begin to bloom again. Until then, take February as a time to recharge and appreciate the little things that spark joy.

'Tickety Boo' Bespoke Wooden Sign

The world outside may feel cold and grey, but there’s always a spark of positivity to be found (even if we have to look hard sometimes). Keep smiling - spring is on its way!

Sarah x

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

BRAND NEW: 'Couple of the Year' personalised Newspaper Print

Hot off the press and just in time for Valentine's Day!

My brand new 'Couple of the Year' print is a new addition to my existing range of personalised newspaper prints:

It's absolutely perfect for any couple, young or... established! A thoughtful romantic gift for your Valentine, but this charming print also works beautifully for a wedding, engagement, anniversary - or just to say "I love you"!

Personalised throughout from top to bottom, my personalised newspapers are printed on heavy-weight high quality off-white 100% recycled paper stock for that authentic newspaper look and feel. You can add your own photo if you wish too!

Celebrate your love with a one-of-a-kind, romantic gift this Valentine's Day! Celebrate the love between two people with this romantic and thoughtful keepsake.

Find the new 'Couple of the Year' newspaper print - and all my other newspaper print designs - over on my website by clicking here >>

Sarah x

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Valentine's Day 2025 - how much will YOU spend?!

Valentine's Day - for some it's a chance to have the most romantic day ever, for others... it may be something they don't pay much attention to. Whilst many of us are getting ready to show our love with thoughtful gifts and special gestures, how much are people actually spending on their partners this year?

If you've ever wondered what other people do to celebrate the day (in terms of spending on Valentine's Day gifts, I'm not delving into anything personal!) then read on...

According to a survey carried out by NerdWallet UK, the average spend for Valentine's Day 2025 is going to be £83. Surprised?

Half of Brits are planning to make a purchase for Valentine's Day this year, with the highest spenders living in Belfast (£195 average spend) and London (£147 average spend). And who are the lowest spenders I hear you ask? Worcester, Wrexham and Gloucester, where residents are the most likely to spend £0 on Valentine's Day this year!

What about age groups this Valentine's Day? Well 18-24 year olds spend the most on their partner, with an average spend of £168. This goes down a little with 25-34 year olds, who spend an average of £144. And it seems the older we get, the less we spend on our Valentine, with those aged 55-64 likely to spend just £24, and over 65's spending £19. 

The more years together, the stronger the love, the less you need to spend perhaps?!

And what about men vs women? Well, men spend the most at £104 on average, whereas women spend an average of £63.

So now you know what to expect from your significant other this Valentine's Day!

Looking for that perfect, romantic gift for your Valentine (but don't want to spend £83)? Head over to my website for some unique gift ideas I know they'll love:

So, whether you’re going all out with a lavish gift or keeping it simple with a heartfelt personalised Valentine's Day card, one thing’s for sure: Valentine's Day will always be an opportunity to show just how much you care – and maybe even treat yourself in the process - no matter how much you spend! 

Happy Valentine's Day!
Sarah :)

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